Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
8 Love’s Effects on Your Brain and Body
People appear to grow wings and hatch butterflies in their stomachs when they are in a hazy state of love. From a scientific standpoint, our body and the processes that occur in it during the infatuation phase are truly unique. And you probably have no idea what incredible things your trusty old body and mind…
These Are the Millionaire’s Wives
Many people fantasize about what it would be like to be worth millions, if not billions, of dollars. These mega-rich people understand what it’s like, and we’re definitely envious. Their spouses are frequently wealthy on their own. Other well-known spouses frequently lead large charities and donate their time and money to worthy causes. Here are…
The Top 10 Most Bizarre Food Cravings That Come From Being Pregnant
People have been coming up with new food combinations for years, and the majority of the time, such combinations have become universally recognized symbols. But there are certain people who get cravings for foods that are not yet recognized by the majority culture and are simply strange in and of themselves. Many women who are…
15 countries where men struggle to marry (Due To A Shortage Of Women)
The global population ratio of men to women has fluctuated throughout history, with each gender trading position. Today, the ratio of single males to single females is roughly equal, but there is a significant disparity within certain countries. There are several explanations for this, including violence against women, wars that have resulted in mass migration,…
15 ways to tell if your partner is cheating without proof
No one wants to be labeled a “crazy girlfriend” or a “possessive boyfriend,” so even if we have strong suspicions that our SO is cheating, we try to dismiss them until we have hard evidence. But you can’t do nothing if the signs are so clear. You must investigate (calmly) and avert the problem before…
9 Surprising Aftereffects of Falling in Love
Paulo Coelho said “There is no such thing as peaceful love. It is accompanied by agony, ecstasy, intense joy and deep sorrow.” Yet, he forgot one important consequence. Without a doubt, falling in love has a number of intriguing secondary side effects. Let us examine them more closely. Because the intense emotions and passion felt during the…
10 Things to Consider Before Moving In Together
10 Things to Consider Before Moving In Together Moving in together is a significant milestone in any relationship. Even if you’ve declared your love for someone, spending nights with them and sharing mutual space is a completely different story. Problems will arise if certain issues are not discussed in advance, resulting in a stressful living…
Mother sells her daughter’s bed, and the buyer makes an incredible discovery three days later.
Mother sells her daughter’s bed This mother sold her newborn’s old crib. She was going through a difficult emotional period, and her financial situation was dire. So she sold the crib, thinking it would solve everything. But three days after Karen sold her daughter’s crib, the shopper suddenly found out something very interesting about it!…
A woman found flowers at her husband’s grave – a note inside a bouquet shocked her
Jen had been inconsolable for several months after her husband’s death. But when she returned to her husband’s grave, she was stunned with horror. She realized that her husband had a secret that would outlive him for a long time! It was a lovely July day. Jen, 70, decided to visit her husband Frank’s grave.…
With These 9 Tips, You Can Keep Your Relationship Positive.
Are you looking for ways to elevate your relationship? You can do certain things on a daily basis to remind him how much he means to you. These tips are simple to implement, but they must be followed on a regular basis, just as maintaining a car or a home is an ongoing process. Check…
10 Things to Avoid When Flirting With A Guy
If you’re at a nightclub, coffee shop, or party and want to get the attention of a guy, you need to make sure you’re doing it right. Flirting is an art, and if you make all the wrong moves you can forget about getting his phone number. Here are 10 things you absolutely must avoid…
11 Real Signs You Are Falling In Love
While falling in love isn’t a scientific process, we suppose it is when you consider that the hormone oxytocin, which causes feelings of love, is released when you fall in love. However, the exact act of “falling in love” looks different for every individual. According to Austin-based psychotherapist Louis Laves-Webb, there aren’t enough cues in…
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