Mother sells her daughter’s bed, and the buyer makes an incredible discovery three days later.

Went into tears

When Karen realized what was happening, she couldn’t hold back the tears. Crying with happiness, she hugged her daughter, who was looking at her, confused. “Everything is going to be fine darling,” she whispered to her daughter. And really yes …

She cried

Because now, six years later, her daughter is in college and she is not depriving herself of anything. Karen has also come a long way. She bought a new washing machine and decided to study on her own.

Thinking in the future

She put the rest of the money in a savings account for her daughter. In this way, she would always have money to eat, in case she had problems in the future or for her studies.

The memories

And that was not all, because the crib also created a beautiful bond between the two single mothers who shared this story. After the message from the buyer, the two moms agreed to see each other.

Best friends

Through their shared motherhood experiences, something seemed to click so well between them that they finally became best friends almost instantly in that moment.

Best friends

In truth, no one would have ever imagined what a particular crib could bring with it: two amazing moms who got out of financial trouble and a lifelong friendship.

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