The Top 10 Most Bizarre Food Cravings That Come From Being Pregnant

8. Watermelon with Pickle Juice

Watermelon is deliciously sweet and mild, with a crisp finish. It’s the ultimate summer fruit, and it tastes just as good when combined with unexpected flavors like basil and feta. But what kind of heinous crime is this? Why taint nature’s most beautiful dessert with the briny, nasty saltiness of pickle juice? We can understand any other savory combination, but this takes things to the next level. Still, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

9. Toast with cream cheese and jam

This isn’t a strange combination — it’s a delectable breakfast or dessert pairing, especially since cream cheese is such a versatile food that can be paired with almost anything. When you’re on the go or running low on groceries, these two ingredients can make a delectable sandwich.

10 Honey-Dipped Fries

Some people already do this, and it’s not the most amusing of strange food cravings. It kind of has a funnel cake effect, which we don’t mind. However, combining ketchup and honey does not sound as appealing. Some honey and fries with a burger sounds quite tasty.

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